Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Our form of Satanism or is it? Aasarism

Our Story of Satanism

Our board of directors has been operative for over twenty years now and continues to work with people offline and to develop projects that promote Satanism from the Theistic Aspect and while the faces have changed over the years the mission has not. We have established some of the only “brick and mortar” locations and have held hundreds of successful meetings, gatherings, and rituals, but we have also placed some of the most controversial theories into the flow of the Satanic Movement. We have never looked for credit for this, but we have noticed that Satanism has changed dramatically over the last few years sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. We have watched the changes, and even battled a few enemies during this change. But overall our service to Satan has not changed nor has our mission, and while we merge to newly discovered historical information on Satan's very origin and foundational model, we have parsing ourselves from Satan which as most people know is a Hebrew name, and based on Abraham and the history of Judaism. Arguing who Satan is is semantics.

While those of us with a strong historical knowledge base understand Satan has nothing to do with Lucifer prior to Christianity. We have provided evidence time and time again to explain this and how you can understand how this historical information works. Immediate reactions were of a negative nature as people who were taught for decades that the two characteristics or characters are one in the same, however, academic sourcing and theological studies all prove they have nothing to do with one another unless one embraces the viewpoint of the Roman Catholic Church. When approaching people who have not read or refuse to read this historical evidence, it becomes a match of will, to actually teach people the why, the what and the who, that separates these two characters. We are not shouting this down from any mountain, we can and will provide evidence to this truth.

This is not to take us at our word since you may or may not like certain spokespeople for our Church, but rest assured, we are not like anyone else, and our membership base includes academic and “well-heeled” occultists who embrace the ideologies that discredit the Abrahamic Religions. I can be said that some people actually in calling themselves Satanists actually are serving the same Creator as the Christian, the Muslim, and the Jew. As I stated earlier Satan is a Hebrew name, and this name exposes the real characteristics of who and where and what Satan is really all about. We have attempted and completed many workings and research projects investing thousands into these projects, so you as the individual do not have to. This being done for the deity not for the profit of some person in a tower somewhere.

But we need you and your efforts as well, we are not political, and while you may not always like our spokespeople, we also look towards new and fresh voices to forge a new effort and push away from the old terminology called Satanism and embrace anew Aasarism a terminology that means “Eye of God” in Sumeria. We really did not abandon the community of Satanism, we just feel it is time for our body of people to move beyond Abrahamic influences and folklore, in pursuit not a set of ideologies, but a form of the embrace of true origin.

This embrace, find ourselves at the very origins of Satan, his actual model character. “It is a bitter pill for one to swallow” and I do not expect everyone to embrace the very origins of Satan, since his actual base model of reference, interacts with others Gods and Goddesses of the region of his very origin.

When one approaches this study, it requires sometimes accepting new ideologies, but rest assured these new ideologies are not without a backbone or base of study, they are not forged by one man with an ego or agenda, other than to spread the very ideologies of the very origin of Satan. Meeting people somewhere on the path is often a difficult operation and requires some intense soul-searching, people are faced with a long road with many intersections, and many prophetic people will approach this information and manipulate it to fit their very narratives. We are not willing to endanger our relationship with God to formulate misleading information on Satan, and we have even due to recent discoveries edited our actual information. Directional movements require more than walls or structures they require intense studies and intense intellectual self-rationalization.

We can with confidence, provide you a few infrastructure points that some will recognize, from their courses of the pursuit of Satan. We know he was a God and not just some Earthly Adversary, his roles in such actions was set into place as he did stand for the correct direction of a Son of the Creator, and while this may seem rather strange it is not again something that we cannot provide links to and or historical information to from credible sources.

We are sorry so many people have not merged into the new information that has manifested, some people have so little time to actually enjoy hobbies, or even religion as demands on our time increase in pursuit of a new world most seek worldwide. I believe Satan actually is enjoying the inventive age we are in, I actually believe he is very pleased with many things including progress, but I also understand his path is not one that can be explained without deep study, as Satan as a God is a very complex narrative that spans thousands of years.

But this new information is not that new its rather old, about six thousand years in the making, perhaps older but this is a timeline we can through careful research can lay out for you and explain not by one man or woman's viewpoint but actual historical pathways. However, while the world deserves to know everything about Satan and his very origin and many do already it is not something that can be shared with everyone as we have no desire to create robotic people who all think alike. Satan as a God likes the individual and while we speak in a directional capacity inspired by Satan we even have changed our viewpoints and perspectives in our growth.

While critics mired in Abrahamic teachings have condemned our forward movement, even calling us a cult, we are in the least a cult, we are not some group of megalomaniac people attempting to seize your bank accounts, nor are we interested in thousands of members, by creating book after book of unintelligent garble that in the end does not serve a purpose. We are actually always welcoming new people to the fold, with a willingness to put in the work itself to actually gather and learn from one another and not be stuck in the ways taught by today's “New Age Prophets!” We are actually not really concerned by those people and their dis-informative videos, and self-published booklets.

We believe Satan has inspired many people, however he is not actively pursuing prophetic agents of dis-informative books, or writing people will often challenge our writings as we are purely historical and at times seem very vanilla, we actually are often portrayed as some “White Light” Satanic movement because we prefer to speak not from one person's opinion but actual concrete historical documentation and studies. We again are not in a position above anyone we are just connecting on a different level.

We have always actually accepted people, for who they are but we do not define ourselves by classification, we are not involved in your lives for example if you are African American or White or Latino or whatever to our Church you are merely Aasarists. We are not telling you what magick to practice, we, however, offer critiques and insights which often do not match what you may be practicing now but we are not coming over and tearing down your altar or system we are seeking to enhance and improve your practices.
We offer magick so dark and demonic in nature that we do not offer to share this with the general public only vetted membership and this is not a “carrot we dangle” its just private and many of our magicians are not interested in Satanist's who are not interested in their spiritual journey. We cannot read your mind, we can read your actions. Most of our information is also provided in meetings offline as people tire of Social Media, and its relentless disrespectful behavior models. We also have no gender identification in Aasarism since we believe Satan does not care about what you do sexually in your own home.

So we are more about freedom than most, and we do align ourselves with a particular political party or party plank we, however, have diverse worldwide membership base with people from different party affiliations, we have no desire to determine who Satan would vote for. We, however, are Pro-Life as historical and academic evidence points to Satan desiring that we prosper and raise children who can replace us in the future generational movements. Satan in history loved man and woman and would not want us killing our own future. We are not staunch like some Christian who this statement may suggest but we also realize abortions are required for many reasons, however not for irresponsibility when adoption offers the alternatives.

We support the use of Marijuana, however, our view is that its use requires responsible actions by the user, and should never be offered to our children unless for medical reasons. We, however, do not allow its use when we are conducting events or rituals to Satan. We are not rigid whatsoever as many members smoke it medically and recreational we have no right to tell you what is right or wrong as for thousands of years people have used it. We, however, do not condone anything even alcohol when performing rituals, and or rites in gatherings, in your personal life it is your choice at home but not at rituals or rites of gathering,

As a Church we stick to historical rituals, and hold the woman in very high regards and while this may seem a bit strange to men its the role of women in Aasarism to perform rituals like our ancestors did thousands of years ago to the God Satan. While this may seem foreign to many people it is keeping the important elements and empowerment as close to historical practices. We are not trying to define genders here, just keeping it historical. We as a Church also have found that female connectors work in a good flow with males in a set historical form. Manifestation occurs more fluid. This also is not to separate our transgender membership we just go with the birth gender and this occurs only when we conduct rituals together, we are not interested in what you are doing outside a gathering.

Aasarism, unlike other forms of Satanism, is actively involved in some important creative directions, We believe in protecting our children for future growth, and fully support actions that involve exposing and imprisoning those who attempt to harm children of any age. We do not believe in child marriage an believe Satan would not as well. In ancient civilizations, the lifespan was shorter, but not any longer so no child should ever be forced into servitude of any member or clergy in any capacity whatsoever. No En as we call our Clergy is allowed without a second person around any child of our member body. As no children are allowed to attend rituals or rites until eighteen years of age.

We support many forms of marriage, and as our ancestors do hold marriage in high regard, documented or undocumented, we have the ability to perform such marriages in full legal format.

We understand that rite and rituals of a darker nature inspire strong sexuality, however, we do not recognize the use of a male or female altar in rites or rituals and again do not dictate as what you do in private, only in rituals and rites performed as a group. There is no open form of sexual contact within the confines of our rituals and rites, this is not to say there is no benefit to charging oneself sexually by oneself or by having intercourse, it is not something we do in ritual, our rituals are lead by our strongest female En and they are respected in such high regard that they are not to be touched during ritual practices at our gatherings. Again we are not isolating men here, we are just keeping it historical in basis. In our original practices, men gathered the materials and set the stage and females lead. It was later in the centuries of change that men took over as the role, but this was not correct in a historical path.

We support one another, emotionally and in spirituality, we are not seeking riches today, but in the future, we, however, do require financial participation and are very transparent in our operational funding initiatives. We suggest a tithe percentage so people donate to the religion but do not allow any one person to prosper from donations. All should prosper first and then lastly the expenses of the Clergy should come into transparent ebb and flow. We are determined to build more “brick and mortar” churches and temples dedicated to Satan and in the future, our costs will be in the hundreds of millions which we will tackle together.

We also do not promote Clergy like any other, it cannot be purchased it requires training about Aasarims and no other than our church can speak for Aasarism. We founded it and codified it. We also have other Gods and Goddesses who interact with Satan and this allows those to choose the directional faith they identify with, however this is not creating a disconnection from Satan as his story involves more than just him and he has a very important fight for humanity he has been involved in for thousands of years against the Abrahamic God.

We are interested in you the individual, we are looking for those who are writers and creators, and musicians and just plain those who are seeking something more than a Abrahamic representation of who Satan is and those who hate what Abrahamic Religions have done in their wars, and actions of pure hatred against the world. We are not hate based we just are against Abrahamic ideologies.

Thanks for your time

V.K. Christian Occultist V.K. Jehannum the Occultist with Christ I recen...