Thursday, November 22, 2018

V.K. Christian Occultist
V.K. Jehannum the Occultist with Christ

I recently came upon this shorter than average hillbilly white guy named V.K. I noticed he had a following of a few people, mainly people just like himself, homebound losers and people that most occultists would not spend much time even having a conversation with. I noticed he is just like the rest of the gang of ignorant occultists who congregate together in some circle jerk of misinformation. So him like many others before who were intimidated my me attacked in a video my wife first, which made it worse. Then like a low IQ hillbilly Christian V.K. Is went after me. I am no complainer but he surely is, we exposed much after several people investigated V.K. We are providing this as information, we are not telling you who to socialize with. Observations and first-hand testimonies were all provided in confidential arrangements.
  1. We found out from his former classmates he had been picked on (I suspect that's why he likes to make videos about other people often, trying to make himself bigger than he will ever become).
  2. V.K. Has a very feminine side, and often forgets to bathe, his classmates told us he would often come to school and smell like someone died at his home. Some suspected abuse from some member of his family, which we felt bad about once the details were revealed by former classmates. We decided not to continue the conversation about him being abused since it occurs to a lot of people.
  3. Reading his blog is almost as funny as watching one of his videos, and is so wrought with misinformation and disconnects, only a failed magician would take his word or works to heart, he is probably the worst educated writer Dr. Black told me after reading some of his works, Dr. Black exclaimed “ This guy whoever he is Christian and reeks of it!” well Dr. Black didn't know what his classmates told us about his hygiene.
  4. While his You Tube numbers are good, he always compares himself to me, yet my blog numbers triple his YouTube numbers, I am not trying to compare myself by making bold statements of readers or followers who may or not listen or read everything some writes to make my self look better. Most people who practice magic would tune him out after his laughable statements that are so wrought with misinformation.
  5. I am not sure its misinformation verses misconception, or just plain too young to grasp truth or pathway teachings, so I would summarize its because he is a little man he needs to do something to make himself the big man, he will never become!
I would like to thank those people, who sent me emails about V.K. While some content was important and relevant, we did not use all the information provided, it is not our intent to smear V.K. Just inform some of you who you are dealing with. I am sorry some people are not financially capable to have proper hygiene and lack the resources to attain deodorant, I feel bad people get abused and have donated personally to such causes to protect children. I also wonder how does a magician who is so young determine who can be dismissed without years of involvement in the occult, he can't. However many of us who he attacked in videos can since we have been around a long time, did thousands of rituals and have a historical background. I find it funny how people like V.K. Float in and out of Christianity and while so quick to run from it, talk about it so much in lavish productions that are easy to see what is cooking.

I could have told you more about this guy, we have several emails, from women and men, but decided this brief overview is easier and has been posted to over five thousand readers via our many blogs on the internet, but we hope even a few people read about this guy hiding among you and dismiss him for who and what he is trying to do. We have expressed out freedom of speech as he has, thanks again!
Dr. Tom Erik Raspotnik
CC: Dr. Evan Black

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V.K. Christian Occultist V.K. Jehannum the Occultist with Christ I recen...