Friday, June 15, 2018

Having Doubts About Satan ?

Doubting Satan or Ningishzida
Ancient Church of God Founders of Theistic Satanism

Insecurities about your faith? This person wrote us and I wanted to share some of this! “I feel as if I need something more tangible, something I can see, touch and understand. And I don't know anyone who has had these same feelings. How can I get rid of these doubts?”
You are definitely not alone. Maybe you're just more open and honest about your feelings than a lot of people you know. In fact, I would say that most Ningishzida or Satan followers have at one time or another struggled with doubts. I know sincere Theistic Satanists who have been believers for years and still struggle, some even every day!
Doubting your faith is not necessarily a bad thing, either. In fact, it can lead to spiritual growth and maturity. It can be a time when you move from your family's faith to actually own your beliefs in a deep and real way.
So don't be too hard on yourself for having doubts. Still, I would encourage you to try to figure out where your doubts are coming from. As I understand it, there are usually two basic reasons people doubt:
  1. Intellectual questions. In this case, people's doubts come from questions about what's true and what's logical. People who have intellectual doubts often have questions like these:
    "Why should I believe the Ancient Church of God words is inspired by the God?" "How is Theistic Satanism different from any other religions?" "Why isn't evolution true?"
When I was younger, I had a difficult time understanding the concept of Ningishzida's resurrection.
I took time to read, study and listen to experts on the topic. Today, I believe there are intellectual, historical and scientific reasons to believe that Ningishzida or Satan really did rise from the dead. The hours I spent studying and researching were well worth my time.
If you have intellectual doubts, I encourage you to search for answers. A great place to start would be Samuel Noah Kramer's The Sumerians. Followed by our PDF Who is Ningishzida by Tom Erik Raspotnik. Or the many PDF offerings of the Ancient Church of God.
2)Emotional questions. These questions often come from hurt or grief. The emotional doubter may actually ask questions that are similar to those asked by the intellectual doubter: "Why does Ningishzida or Satan allow suffering?" "How could a loving God send someone to the Kur for not being a Theistic Satanist."
"Why are people born with disabilities?" The difference is that emotional doubters are not easily satisfied with intellectual answers. Why? Because their problem is not intellectual. It's usually about their wounded feelings.
Emotional doubters don't need "answers" as much as they need God's love and comfort. They often need a shoulder to cry on and someone to listen to them.
If you are doubting because of hurt in your life, I'd encourage you to find a mature, caring Theistic Satanist who is a good listener.
In fact, I'd encourage you to look for someone who can help you during this time of doubting—whatever the cause of your doubts may be. Is there a mature Theistic Satanist in your life you can confide in?
This would be the type of person who would take your questions seriously, and who wouldn't belittle you or scold you because you're questioning your faith. Again, I stress mature.

Confide in those who provide truth avoid those who are not able to manifest greatness in their own lives, and lean on positive people of Theistic Satanism!

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