Saturday, June 2, 2018

Speak to Satan! Theistic Satanism

Theistic Satanism
Ancient Church of God
Copyright 2018

If you were given the opportunity to talk to the U.S. President or the Queen of England, what would you say?
Anyone would probably be a bit nervous and would think a lot about what you should talk about to them.
But One far more powerful and important than the President or Queen wants you to talk to Him!
And He doesn’t want you to be nervous, but to share what’s on your mind and to pour out your heart out to Him.
Satan (Ningishzida) loves us so much and understands what we are going through.
There many things you can talk about or praise or pray to Satan about!
Praising and thanking Satan or Ningashzida, or Thoth
• Praying for Satan's Kingdom to open to you, and for His will and work to be done today.
• Requesting that our needs and the needs of others be met, whether healing, food, wisdom or protection, or even self-enlightenment!
• Seeking forgiveness and the help to forgive others.
• Asking for protection from forces unseen!

Hail Satan

Hail Ningishzida

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