Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Best Satanism Ever Offline!

Ancient Church of God


That first Theistic Satanism Gathering 19 people (some related to one another) in attendance. Those simple folks just loved Satan, and they sacrificed for His work. They gave their dollars, spoke with each to each other, and told the good news of Satan and his restoration to their friends and neighbors. Satan honored their sacrificial commitment, and that little gathering would be the start of Theistic Satanism as a religion forward. The Ancient Church of God was born, more like reborn from the former Temples of Satan who boasted the first house of worship to Satan, but in a very disorganized religion which was forming but not moving forward in 2000. Despite the pitfalls, the fire, the upheavals, all came and gathered in the name of Satan, that great afternoon in Michigan.
At times with leering stares from those who misunderstood this was a great meeting, people answered cell phones and disrupted our EN speaking but it was a meeting an important event and just like when we had church building the people made the coffee shop their church for that afternoon.
Thanks to all who attended and we will be having more meetings in the near future, and soon after the remodel is finished in our old church building which we are converting from a home to zoned dual. A couple old faces, made our day while in different places, Satan and loyalty never left these great people.

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