Saturday, June 2, 2018

Theistic Satanism, Satanism is Always with You!

Theistic Satanism
Satan or Ningishzida is always with you!
Ancient Church of God

Satan is not going to knock you over to get closer to you!

We have the freedom to invite Him into our lives or not. You're not likely to wake up one morning with the certain feeling that you've become friends with Satan (though that could happen).

Like human relationships, it usually takes an investment of time and attention and caring, and it's up to you to take the initiative of moving closer to Satan—of placing yourself in His presence and just abiding there.

It's rarely dramatic. You might not even feel anything at all at first. But when you do this over and over again, the emotion and belief will follow, and you'll begin to trust He is with you and is guiding you.

Hail Satan

Hail Ningishzida

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