Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Absurd Atheism Church of Satan and Peter Gilmore

Press Release Re Peter Gilmore and the Church of Satan
Atheist and Theism in Satanism.
July 17th, 2019

Atheist and Fake Satanist Peter Gilmore, now at the helm of the Church of Satan recently released an embarrassing statement, and one of the eight founders of the Theistic Satanic Church called the Ancient Church of God Dr. Tom Erik Raspotnik responded. Peter Gilmore was asked about Satan in a recent interview (posted below).

A large portion of Satanists around the globe still believe in Satan as an anthropomorphic being and identify as theistic Satanists. Do you actively try to convince them otherwise?

We do not accept those who believe in Satan as being Satanists, regardless of what they call themselves. Christians supposedly believe in Satan, but the subset of Satan’s believers—essentially heretical Christians—who worship him are not very large from what I’ve seen. From my observations over decades the amount of people who self-identify as “theistic Satanists” is a small one. To us, the term “theistic Satanism” is an oxymoron, since we defined Satanism for the first time in history as a coherent philosophy and it is atheist. “Devil worship” or “demonolatry” is the more accurate term for such theistic people. Just as we wouldn’t try to teach a pig to sing, we don’t try to alter the thoughts of such persons—it would waste our time and annoy those who are comfortable living in their illogical fantasies. Peter Gilmore

Dr Tom Erik Raspotnik followed with his own statement: “Theistic Satanist's really felt that playing dress up to Satan serves no purpose, except maybe to celebrate the commercial version of Halloween.”
I would also point out that Atheism would not exist without Theism!” No worries Mr. Gilmore who we understand is a “low life” could never understand how Satan has manifested so much for so many!”
I must say I think more and more people are learning to accept Satan as a deity and even at an academic level, many are researching the path.
Anton La Vey did great things to make Atheism great but Atheists are most often enemies to those of us, who have faith in Satan and are as bad as any Christian.”
Peter Gilmore is nothing to Satanism, at least Anton L aVey actually conversed with people and had dialogue Peter Gilmore is afraid of his “own shadow” and is a shame to Atheism. The Church of Satan did not invent Satanism it was invented thousands of years ago!
Thank You
Dr. Tom Erik Raspotnik

Hail Satan, Hail Ningishzida!

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