Monday, August 20, 2018

Harvest Rite based on Sumeria

Sumerian Harvest End Rite
Ancient Church of God© Digital Copyrighted 2018

Components (two white candles and two earthen mugs and mead)
Center number of mugs for participants in the center between the candles, I recommend using beeswax.
Start with saying the following, drink the mugs and turn down the candles. Some have placed wheat seeds or wheat stalks on the altar.

Enki oh the Great Creator of Man”
The great waters sweep the land, and over the land forms the growth, that feeds the many.
With thy wife Ninghursag, they rule the fields and bless man and woman with a great harvest.
As the cattle move forth over the land, the camels and the goats eat the ends of the the harvest as the moon turns the gray and bright.
When you have made manifest to the people of the rivers and the those who venture seas, the fish jump plentiful and the nets fill for life-giving.
You gradually judge, o Lord, law cases in the underworld, make decisions superbly.
We are the center of your love, and we celebrate the high lands and the low lands, as the clouds bring your words.
We lift our mugs to you and drink of the mead and celebrate this day for Enki and Ninghursag.

At “close” silence is best with visualization of the future, and of you the operator silently praying to Enki and Ninghursag. While some may on be interested in honoring Ningishzida his name can be incorporated in an ending.

Satanism and You Tube Warriors

Ancient Church of God
Response to the Christians and Jews of Satanism!

I should have started this off with Atheist's but however they “slice it” I have never considered them Satanist's. To many of us, who have fought the great fight and actually started offline gatherings, and offline “brick and mortar” churches dedicated to Satanism, I am sure I will find agreeable readers.
Less than a couple of hundred years ago it was Christianity that actually kept Satanism back, and today it is the Satanist's themselves, involved in holding onto small snippets of people who they can convince to buy a “self-published” book to and bring hits to You Tube, in hopes of becoming an internet mogul, they will never become. So it has become fashionable for these newcomers to make a name for themselves and most of the time this becomes an obsession, and that obsession drives them to make videos that “spew” lies and malcontent which also causes people who are outsiders to avoid Satanism because they do not want to become the next victim of these people.

I can tell you this with complete confidence, that the same people who are attacking those who have been around for years, will always fail, and while they think “likes” or views make impact, they actually do not and I personally have been able to continue to move forward with membership and clergy for many years, and have manifested nothing but wealth and wisdom.
These same people are lost boys and girls, and I understand it takes a while to cultivate Occult Wisdom so much so these You Tube people are misguided not because they really want to be, but they dream of some success on different Social Media platforms by attacking those in real power over Satanism.
Satanism has become nothing short of Social Media Christianity in disguise, creating an air of inquisitions and malcontent that is causing people to actually seek other alternatives to being labeled or attacked. Its now mocked and laughed at by academia, so much so that its now actually a religion for teenagers and most of the “grown-ups” have stopped openly calling themselves Satanist's.

You can, of course, retaliate in words like “Just get out of Satanism!” Good plan! But I will be taking a huge membership with me those who seek the truth and can really manifest more than some You Tube video that “spews” hatred and discontent with those who are successful in Satanism, like our Church has become, all the while, people have been attacking us with “vile words” out of jealousy, that they themselves are mired in because of being unhappy in their little apartments or basements of their parents, where the only success they will ever have is thousands of meaningless hits or likes.

In the days ahead The Ancient Church of God will be leaving those behind, pursuing a new directional movement, that will be positive, for the religion and allow people to actually grow and gather again, and not live in fear, that some “mentally slow” person will create an attack video against them and they might have to answer questions from an employer. Remember people involved in Satanism today are no longer the elites, they are the low life people who have rooted themselves in small unorganized groups that are bound and determined to make life miserable just like theirs. I am as many people are sick of these people, who mostly are low hanging fruit, trying to steer a religion someplace it does not belong.

I can honestly say this that ninety percent of those who call themselves, everything from Satanists to Pagan's to Necromancers, to Warlocks are incorrectly using Christianity and Judaism to teach people Occult and Satanism. I see it every day from people like V.K. (a Christian Satanist). These people make up just a small percentage of people who are not practicing Satanism but Christianity or Judaism, pretending to teach the unsuspecting some form a magic they themselves cannot even master. I am not scared of these people, I actually could care less, but you should, since our Church is moving away from these people installing what I call a NO ABRAHAMIC form of Satanism, and since none of these people or the countless others who I failed to drop hints about understanding this they can now spend time attacking “one another” not me or my membership or clergy.

I am sure this will spawn a new set of videos, and I will respond with actions, not just words in the future when those will someday feel something or have something happen, not just promises, or magick or threats. I am also eliminating people from the Church and from my friend's lists that subscribe to these Christians and Judaic prophets who call themselves, Satanists.
I often find it funny how easy “SOME OF” you who call yourselves Satanists refuse historical truths and instead fall victim to the internet “like game” meanwhile calling other people sheep, while you are the biggest sheep I have ever seen.

People like I speak of thanks for providing me endless hours of entertaining dialogue, I will soon not miss I am not leaving but speaking about Satan from an academic approach and changing the name of the religion I practice to something easier to understand and moving our church away from the low life's in pursuit of positive movement forward.

I often laugh as uneducated “low hanging fruits” attack me or my wife, or our membership or clergy I can say this you will never match or manifest the things I have seen and done and I am satisfied with my Church. I see the critics call me a “fake doctor” because they said so, but I openly admit I did take my credits which came from Michigan State and other experiences and do an internet-based doctorate, but thousands of others have as well. But let us just take away that documentation and yet I still have a valid Masters Degree from Michigan State, so do not let the liars fool you, they so love to make shit up, just like how they teach you from their basements, and apartments.

I also am employed in a six-figure business and have been for years while many of these people are working for peanuts at some Dollar Store somewhere, but again that is not the issue, I have succeeded already and if my church closed I would be very happy to have experienced the things, they never will or could ever imagine. All meanwhile being something they could never imagine being a public Satanist and standing up despite this world be Christian controlled or Judaic controlled and making it.

So even today stories are made up of who I am or who my wife or membership or clergy are, meanwhile we move forward, meeting a whole new class of people, and you are still “stuck” talking to people I rejected and moved away from. This is nothing new and I have been involved in the bullshit by these people for decades and never once has it stopped me from speaking out for Satan. It never will and despite all the people who they convince via the internet that my wife or myself are bad people, or I scammed people, they themselves by using Christianity and Judaism in Satanism, by using demons and claiming magick that has not root in history, they are the scammers, and while calling yourself a Satanist does not make you one!

You can say, you cannot judge, those of us who know what words mean because we can read, and this is not a “likes game” for us, or a “pipe dream” will succeed, since we are offline. I and my wife and the people of the Ancient Church of God can travel, and hold meetings while these people on You Tube continue to dream of the perfect world in Satanism, something that will never occur, since Religion take leadership and that is earned not claimed.

My wife and I and other members of clergy and membership have met thousands of people over the years attended hundreds of gatherings, while many of you have done nothing but make videos chasing nothing but notoriety that will never come to you, since you are online, I am offline, and I know that makes people jealous, but I know the names, the historical truths, and I can provide this readily to anyone who desires to move ahead. I have never created something as a book, I will someday but not for Satanism, but for something better more historical in constructed form. Free from the lies of the Occult and free from people like the ones that play in Christianity or Judaism, and attack those in Satanism like some Pope bent on starting another Inquisition.

Usage of much symbolical demons or names thereof is expected but failed to read the historical truths make you again nothing short of playing Satanist. I started out a Modern Satanist and had no belief, but there are people who have decided to play dress up as well. Modern Satanism is about being your own God and please leave this Theist out of that mess. I have been attacked by those people as well as my wife and membership and clergy, I am not sure why these people who do not believe in Satan are so worried about those of us who do. I think it is boring over there so they come over to attack us, since Satanism has been so discolored and deconstructed by people like the Satanic Temple.

This of course will piss off a lot of people, at this point who care the religion I as many of you call Satanism is long gone, with the internet its a daily routine of someone attacking someone, or making a bad YouTube video pretending to be a new reporter or creating some fake Christian or Jewish informational video on some “self-published” book. I see no real creativity or content I see a new emerging “Witch Hunt” and a new “Satanic Panic” all forming not offline like it did years and years ago but online. Sad but it will change offline is still offline, and these people attacking us the off liners will be still making videos while we gather and meet people to discuss Satan free from them, something they truly hate.

Beware most Satanists are rooted in Christianity or Judaism do some reading and those people are revealed!

Coming Soon Change!
Dr. Tom Erik Raspotnik!

+I am using the Doctor like it or not I paid for it! 

V.K. Christian Occultist V.K. Jehannum the Occultist with Christ I recen...