Monday, August 20, 2018

Harvest Rite based on Sumeria

Sumerian Harvest End Rite
Ancient Church of God© Digital Copyrighted 2018

Components (two white candles and two earthen mugs and mead)
Center number of mugs for participants in the center between the candles, I recommend using beeswax.
Start with saying the following, drink the mugs and turn down the candles. Some have placed wheat seeds or wheat stalks on the altar.

Enki oh the Great Creator of Man”
The great waters sweep the land, and over the land forms the growth, that feeds the many.
With thy wife Ninghursag, they rule the fields and bless man and woman with a great harvest.
As the cattle move forth over the land, the camels and the goats eat the ends of the the harvest as the moon turns the gray and bright.
When you have made manifest to the people of the rivers and the those who venture seas, the fish jump plentiful and the nets fill for life-giving.
You gradually judge, o Lord, law cases in the underworld, make decisions superbly.
We are the center of your love, and we celebrate the high lands and the low lands, as the clouds bring your words.
We lift our mugs to you and drink of the mead and celebrate this day for Enki and Ninghursag.

At “close” silence is best with visualization of the future, and of you the operator silently praying to Enki and Ninghursag. While some may on be interested in honoring Ningishzida his name can be incorporated in an ending.

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