Wednesday, September 26, 2018
My Response to the Ex Mormon Teala Curtis
I will enlighten people about Teala Curtis, I never admitted to shooting anyone, so again it is her favorite activity its called fake it until you make it. I laughed when loser Tim passed on I told him long ago when he cowardly turned his back on the God that he would pay a heavy price and he did and I had a rare glass of champagne over this.
I remember when you wanted to join our other efforts and was turned down but its ok I even remember turning you down when you made a pass my way back several years ago. I heard about you then, and recently when you lied about the conversation my wife had with you but its ok, we all have seen people like yourself come today gone tomorrow.
Its ok people have contacted me about how they hate and despise you and how they feel you are nothing but a scammer in the small Satanic Community. It has shown with hardly any donations and yet my church which you decided to call dumb and use kindergarten childhood word to describe has placed in working capital accounts for nearly twenty thousand now, so despite you telling everyone we are not doing anything, we gave away funding to several homeless Satanists, meanwhile you were just running your mouth.
There is not much I can say, but beware of Teala, since she is notorious for lying to people, besides being something short of a Mormon Wiccan, you will be misled and this is only a few things I could say about this scourge since I prefer something more than YouTube to discuss things.
In closing, you will notice she is a crybaby indeed.
Those who have read me for years, know the accuracy of my exposes are all founded in shares from others I never waste time with falsehood, just report the truths as the community provides it. People have your number!
GM Blackwood
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