Friday, June 1, 2018


Ancient Church of God presents: Theistic Satanism

After many years, of people arguing over Theistic Satanism, The Ancient Church of God has completed several cornerstones to the reformation of Theistic Satanism.

The Ancient Church of God also has researched and found no tenets existed prior to the foundation of this date June 1 2018, so in drafting such The Ancient Church of God is considered the first founding church dedicated to Theistic Satanism as a religion.

As in this foundation, The Ancient Church of God embarks on a new mission to bring Theistic Satanism into equality with other World Religions. While many laws and rulings extend complete and defined creation and extend the freedom of speech on religious issues, no religion is complete without a guidance mechanism in place, this guidance is formalized tenets and a board and church, temple, or lodge locations.

Also, it is not our goal to dictate the religion but provide betterment, and more of a positive guide to the religion in the public eye.

Too long have people battered around versions which are unrelated to Satan or Theistic Satanism, this has now ended and as we seek recognition by others worldwide with the issuance of truths, not of one man or woman but a large group of contributors.

In order to accomplish this a complete and legal structure is placed. We are not going into the structures involved in this press release but will state we are moving ahead with involvement in providing Theistic Satanism the needed recognition it deserves, not only in the United States but elsewhere.

While religions are granted a wide berth of freedoms in the United States it is seldom that they are taken seriously or granted holidays, or certain freedoms and or protections of their core.

Often times people are singled out by legislation at a state or local level which affects their personal lives. These judgment calls are often legislated by people, not the public because of their own belief sets. Examples include persecution for being a Theistic Satanist by local relief agencies and or family organizations.

In the United States people are free to believe in Satan and all his many versions, however definitive tenets in place separates a “cult” ,or a “organization” , “or a person who is rogue from a religion”. We in this press release are only speaking about Theistic Satanism.

The Ancient Church of God revealed that two individuals used the terminology first one was Dorothy Nixon and the other was Tom Erik Raspotnik dating in studies back to 1990 in which these two individuals are somewhat both credited with use. However, neither individuals codified the terminology by issuing tenets to Theistic Satanism.

So why today? With so many religions worldwide The Ancient Church of God has decided it can watch as people destroy the religion or we can improve the religion. There are people who will fight this of course. The religion of Theistic Satanism has goals to separate our truths and accomplish definitive goals. Theistic Satanism is hereby established June 1 2018 by the Ancient Church of God and its Board.

The Ancient Church of God proud in keeping with our founding tradition to announce our first religious holiday for Theistic Satanism NISAN is considered by Theistic Satanism to be the New Year, based on the day and night being equal or in the Spring or in March on around the 20th.
The NISAN is followed by 11 days of personal celebration.

The first national meeting of Theistic Satanism is scheduled for 2019 and is planned for Colorado Springs Colorado. Other projects include renovations to its church structure located in Michigan and have pending land acquisition offers in place. In the future, The Ancient Church of God has planned the first ever burial site for Theistic Satanists.

Thank you

The Sanga Board of the Ancient Church of God

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