The Ancient Church of God
Theistic Satanism
The Ancient Church of God Sanga is proud to announce it has set a foundation for Theistic Satanism.
We forge forward as the First Legal Church and with IRS compliance of the Religion known as Theistic Satanism.
We, of course, are not dictating to the community as a whole, just defining its direction, and captaining it growth by tenets and doctrine, and appointing a church proper. While the use of the name for years has been active, and we are not challenging that, we are captaining the religion for its betterment and public awareness, drifting its direction away from those who are poor stewards of the religion.
We as a Sanga Board have every right legally to seek, the legitimacy of the religion and condemn those standing in the way of Theistic Satanists, who we know will have ill feelings since they lacked the components and resources to move the religion forward other than by lip service.
Immediately, we are forming the second and third church project with the acquisition of land in Colorado and Ohio and also appoint the Ancient Church of God our Church as they have an actual Church location in Michigan. In pursuit of legalities and actual properties, a board and tenets we have met the requirements to call ourselves a religion established.
Immediately we are training ordained ministry called EN to meet with ordainment requirements in all fifty states and territories of the U.S., we also are in process to be a world recognized religion founded by good stewards piloting its course.
We understand that other people will challenge this in an attempt to smear campaign this religion, we would like to state this upfront the Ancient Church of God and the established religion is not owned by anyone person its owned and operated by many. Attacking people within the religion has needed to stop for many years, many of us who founded this have engaged in behaviors on both sides that have done nothing but slow growth and stifle peoples rights.
This is not about one man or one woman, this is not about one leader, a Pope, or some bitter critic who is slandering, it is about the religion thriving beyond the internet or YouTube where people fight over their egotistical goals, ignoring the religion and those who come to it in lieu of their own pursuits of prosperity. This is about the deity and the truth the truths laid out with our founding tenets and doctrines if you chose to come to the religion, not have it forced upon you.
Theistic Satanism has been a used term for years, it, however, has never been taken seriously enough since a small band of people have attempted to pass down ideas that are not even close to being reasonable or related to the religion and instead of growing it they actually have made it worse.
We offer those same people the chance now to make things better and instead of addressing the things they do not like the chance to make things better, and understand no man or women despite how hard you try owns a religion, however any man or woman can make it better and be a part of something better than fighting over audience. There is no war to win!
This is why churches, synagogues, temples or other institutions draft tenets, and set agendas, and establish boards, hold meetings or services, and congregate, not to share everything for everybody but to share truths, truths they believe are important for the religions they serve. No one shall dictate a religion, just share truths the truths they indemnify in their works that are relative to the religion which allows it to grow.
Anyone person can found a religion, and design it as they like, but credibility and documentation are required to avoid it being found nonrelevant amongst the sea of many religions.
We ask this of all the critics, instead of feeling sad, or angry over the Ancient Church of God and its decision to found Theistic Satanism the right way, to go ahead and show the community your programs and offerings instead of "lip service!"
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