Friday, June 15, 2018

Satan IS Lucifer But ONLY on Social Media!

Foolhardy in Satanism
Ancient Church of God

Every day on Social Media, this topic comes up, and time and time again I see people who can't seem to read historical studies enough to provide this answer, and the minute you correct them they circle you and explain things its all based on one's perception, this is as far from the truth as you can ever be!
Who is Satan or is he Lucifer?
Well, I am embarrassed to see people calling themselves Theistic Satanist's answer this question as the same person, and Satan would be embarrassed as you call him a “Fallen Angel!” or a Christian Leader!
Please, people there are multiple resources out there to explore the differences. I sometimes think these people are trying to scam people, or they are the people that just like things and never read them fully, or they are “high school” dropouts! I am glad I have surrounded myself with people who know Lucifer was created by Christianity and Satan was rooted in Hebrew Lore, and Lucifer never appears in any book written by the Hebrews.
I repeat no Hebrew explains Lucifer, and you can dust off all the books that are written by self-publishers you want and they are wrong! Calling Satan, Lucifer is like calling Leviathan a female who had sex with Satan!
People are not devoted enough to the path, and worse yet they are teaching new people, their ignorant information. I am beginning to think its a shame it is not thousands of years ago so we could just plain march all these Lucifer Lovers to a cliff, and shove them off! And this playground mentality displayed when you correct them is nothing short of self-victimization!
I can say these people are taught incorrectly, and yes you can change to make it better, without “safe spaces!” YOU CAN READ! But select the historical authors instead of the New Age Authors, who seem to want to write and dream of Bentley's and Red Carpet, neither will they ever see!
I managed to gather over twenty titles and am going to have my own “Book Burning!”
I am going to disgrace Lucifer in the Name of Satan! Why because I can and I am going to keep buying books about Lucifer burning them in disrespect, not to the fictitious Lucifer and I mean fictitious God, so many like to keep bringing up like some Reddit Troll gone crazy!
I guess I should also expect, that some people can't let go of the Christianity, and can't seem to read, or perhaps they are just plain low I.Q.?
Again nowhere in Hebrew Ancient Literature does Lucifer connect to Satan!
They are so separate God actually speaks to Satan in Hebrew Literature, he never speaks to Satan whatsoever, so what makes you think they are friends, I have even seen literature which reeks of pornography speak of Satan and Lucifer having a good old “gang-bang!”
The ignorance is oozing off these people who are telling people they are the same, and I would as a prospective member of any group or organization question, why is the leader of the group even selling this, unless its to bring in membership to scam them, or sell them more false books!
Every so often groups form in unification processes that fail rather quickly embracing Satan and the Lucifer as the same and to be honest they are nothing more than an effort to gather people who are ill-educated since all people who have any formalized education on the Occult or Satanism, know this simple fact that Lucifer was a Christian Construct and Satan was Hebrew, I also marvel at the people who attempt to explain their way out of this.
Exposing foolishness makes people very angry and once exposed it seems they are far to embarrassed to admit they are wrong and make a statement to their membership, of such a mistake! We currently see this where one person has created a church that claims Tiamat is Satan, and historical data proves them very wrong, and they continue to “spin” over and over because they said Satan is a Female! We know simply by researched historical data, that Tiamat was female and had zero to do with anything Satan even this goes as far, as acceptance of Tiamat as a Goddess would also accept the stories of her, and she was killed by Marduk the Son of Enki, and I did not make this up, for those laughing reading this.
Someone again was educated wrong, the same people who are teaching people wrong are ganging up on those of us, who researched and who read historical data, including many texts easily researched by looking up them on Wikipedia, or using a University Database.

And do not tell them they are wrong, acting like a fourth grader, they “spin” and attack those people who are trying to help them! This is because you are changing peoples minds in the Cult Group they are forming or have formed!

I also have seen these same people make grandiose claims where they operate offline talking about the falsehoods, they write on Social Media when in truth none of them have churches beyond some tiny and dank apartments somewhere in rural America. These people will fight the hardest, since they cannot meet people, and discuss the truths and the academics are out their league to even talk too.

Satan is not Lucifer!
I would love to debate this with anyone!

Tom Erik Raspotnik   

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