Wednesday, June 13, 2018


The Worst Book Ever Written in the Occult
By Tom Erik Raspotnik

Occult Literature has reached it all-time low, with this being written down by a mentally ill Satanist who dares call himself leadership material. This same individual has stalked almost every group, church or organization on the internet, pleading for someone to listen to him.
In his own words in his first book:
All child molesters should be forced to have sex with farm animals, and have fruits and vegetables inserted into their anus, and be forced to eat from one another prisoners ass, after several days of bizarre torture they are to be impaled by a giant penis statue! It sounds like a fantasy of sick and deranged individual.
Also, this same self-proclaimed leader is quoted he has a desire to destroy churches, by political means, since when does that mix! When a madman becomes delusional. And remember all of this came from Satan direct by a vision to this psychopath.
This same author claims to lucid dream, and recommends burning the scent of Opium and remains awake, yet he has had sex with demon creatures in his dreams, both male and female.
Many of his prophecies which wrote in his small self-published book are read like a Charlie Manson manuscript and will make the reader wonder if a suicide countdown is near.

Sex in dreams with demonic creatures is often a symptom of serious mental duress. He goes on to tell us the Antichrist has risen (a Christian and Muslim Concept) and appears on paper. All people who are wealthy will be destroyed by Satan according to this Disability Recipient will all perish.
He carries on about black painted walls, yet in numerous photos of his ghetto apartment shows no black walls or anything but sixties decor. Blue flames jumping out, Roman Gladiators showing up, along with Red Sonja showing up and giving him a black book of Satan. This get better and better making this a cold hard science fiction novel indeed.

Urination and burnt Bibles and the author claims to possess a secret Black Book Red Sonja gave him, and he goes from HE to SHE with Tiamat claiming a female Dragon is Satan, yet in his book he exclaims he is a male.
Then he rambles on changing Satan and proudly hailing the Christianity made Lucifer claiming all Satanist's need to worship Lucifer and then without warning he says Satan creates Leviathan and calls HE a SHE, obviously an identity problem and then goes on that Leviathan who he claims is a female has sex with Satan. Satan has sex and waits a few weeks and on the six hundredth day of the sixth month, on the sixth day he loses days, and calendar days I suspect this is from his record of being a High School “drop out!”

He also goes onto explain Satan LAYS OVER THE GREAT MOUNTAIN CALLED Iraq! Guess he failed geography class, and geology both. Then he describes Satan having a giant penis! And the FEMALE in his story which is actually a MALE Leviathan is gang banged by Satan and Lucifer going on to create a mad sex story nothing short of coming from a deranged person.

Leviathan a MALE gives birth to Lilith and Adam and they were twins, and the two twins have an incest affair, which includes the touching and feeling where he goes on to explain where the hot juice comes out and explains Lilith fondles Adam jerking him off in her face, or breasts like an XXX movie.
This chapter alone is so detailed you could buy his book for the porn references if you were as mad at him.

He goes on to explain how Adam slams Lilith as Adam was birthed with pornography skills. No apples, or even pomegranates? Satan then came them and told them they were not prepared to raise a child, so Satan before she could have her child, he whisked it off to Hell (remember that imaginary place designed by Christianity) this yes is from a self-proclaimed Leader of Theistic Satanist.

While the baby was off being raised by Satan, Adam finds Eve which he describes like Dolly Parton.
Again fingering, and pornography moves he ties Eve up with vines and went on licking her ass, yet the writer continues to describe anal, not vaginal! Soap Opera?

What happened with Leviathan? Who knows its pages and pages of sexual fantasy making this writer works even more fantasy and science fiction. His fantasy goes on for paragraph after paragraph about fruit fantasies and ejaculation tasting.

In his story, Lilith encounters Eve and smells Adams ejaculation on Lilith and then a lesbian story erupts out of the entire mess. It is crazy beyond imagination.
What was Satan up to? Taking Classes in Hell about raising a Baby which was from a Man Leviathan.

2026 years ago, in small Middle Eastern Town lived a whore named Mary, he goes on. She is the local prostitute who seems to have eyes from women. He goes on to portray his fantasy of bestiality as he describes, goat and horse sex. And how this town mixed with the animals. Blood and ejaculation and raw vaginas bleeding all come into the next paragraphs.

Mary MISSPELLED MARRY is hanging out with Joseph in this badly written chapter which is challenging to read at best. Jesus is described as he moves to Iraq, to hang out with his friends.
Ages and places are all astray and then out of nowhere his book moves to himself and describes after this brief misguided Christian based lesson his thoughts of Satan and Lilith being married.

He then goes on to explain the basic methodology, including Lucifer all the while explaining he is a Theistic Satanist. Again it becomes barely readable, and because he has such a limited knowledge of magic, he rambles on with Leviathan being a Crown Ruler of Hell an equal to Satan. Which to a Jew may be something informational but again Leviathan is a woman in the book, not a man as described.

The book ends with pacts and simplistic left-hand path mutterings which include selling your soul by contract, and this is something he never used since he still remains on Social Security Disability.
This book has absolutely ZERO to do with Theistic Satanism!

Are you done laughing yet?
Church of FEMALE LEVIATHAN is enough for Jew's everywhere to laugh! 
Lucifer and Satan gangbanging her is even worse and then Lillith too!
Crazy people in the Self Publishing World!

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