Sunday, September 23, 2018

Teala Curtis Exposed Con Woman

Teala Curtis and Serpent Cult Exposed

We have for many years saw people come and go, and I often wonder how long will this “cut and paste” Queen will be around before, she returns to being a Mormon again. Her mother suffers from mental illness, and she seems to be carrying on the family trait. We will watch it progress! She has often claimed she is doing workings for Satan, one day and Lucifer the next but to a studied person, we know mixing deities is something very much reserved for the small minded occultists.

She recently attacked a person claiming he was plagiarizing works, yet by reading previews of her “self published” fictional reader for occultists, one can clearly see its another book destined to fill a shelf in the basement somewhere or become a doorstop. Teala is very much like others who are failures, attack those who succeed or deliver messages to people. Motivated to then push others aside and move up themselves.

She underestimates me or others, as we have fans, she has fans, to her its mostly guys who want to think they might get laid, since rumors are floating around, she may have a brief brush in her past with prostitution. But we will confirm such rumors perhaps in the future, as people like to talk. But hey I understand once owning a business which involved the sex trade, a girl who like herself is in the middle of the looks department needs to pay that rent. We all have a past!

But to be condescending on me, or this teacher named Hyson whom I am not even affiliated with is something expected, and all the while she is talking unification, something we have all seen over and over again like a boring broken record. I can say this people who are “low life's” like Teala are willing to attack everyone that stands in their way. I extended her an “olive branch” but her con could not mix with the truths, my successful life does not fit her narratives and she is a con girl from way back.

But look she is raising money, today for what an internet church and she has made less than one hundred dollars in donations, so I guess she is not that good of person, my average funding drives raise hundreds of dollars each, and actually give back to people in our charitable works, we pay for our own websites, they are that good that they actually cost us nothing in hosting its all paid for by the website. We never use donations for infrastructure advertisements, we fund that ourselves.

This former Mormon Teala also has made several claims to be working magic against me, I will wait when she shows up in her “magic Mormon underwear” and one of my friends can set the little hooker out on some corner! I am not concerned with lesser magicians so mixed up, it will harm her sooner than myself. She forgets I am a master magician and have a very high rate of manifestation and success.

Mixing magick is such the failure, and I seem to always foretell the fates of those. In my life alone over sixteen magicians who have threatened me, have all committed suicide or suffered an accident. I rather enjoy being a hated man, those Occultists who really understand how Crowley who I am compared to was a truly bad man on the outside and a caring person inside. I like being hated since if you are not hated you are not making a impact on the world.

Beware this girl a former Mormon and quite possibly a former hooker, is of course willing to take anything from just about anybody! Money I am sure is part of her plan. I am who I am and Mr Hyson often quotes and produces his own materials, not as Teala likes to tell you. Plagiarizing is her game, not Hyson or myself.

G.M. Blackwood  

1 comment:

V.K. Christian Occultist V.K. Jehannum the Occultist with Christ I recen...