Friday, September 28, 2018

Haters of the Ancient Church of God WE ARE NOT LIKE YOU AND NEVER WILL BE
Thanks to the Kinks for this great tune!
The Ancient Church of God Commentaries

For years, people have tried to tie together others who are moving forward, I want to address this while I like engaging some of these people, who I select to say something to more like exposing them that is not always reflective on what our Church is doing in the future and what it has done in the past. We seem to have some attention from Christians and Mormon's who are parading around in the Occult and talking about us, which we certainly love since it brings us new members who want to know certain truths and find themselves liking the experience's they encounter by actually getting to know our Board Sanga.
We have bad people and good people involved and we can single out people on both sides of this seemingly endless argument. We all have a past but no one I mean no one attacking our Church can match or the find the quality of membership contained. We will be the first to admit we are not as many and other people, we like it that way, we gather offline and often times only have five in attendance.

This does not make us a failure, we have hosted events with five and had fifty even as in the case of our recent Ohio membership drive event. We find ourselves as leadership wondering why people think there is some huge Satanic Community out there, there is on the internet but not offline. Its not about who is a leader or who is running the show, people get more people to attend myself, or our board membership do, and we do not view this as failure.

For years I have worked with people “one on one” for longer than people, who like to think they are like our Church, we are not like you and never will be, frankly we could care less, I will not, however, let people attack my Church, and I always tell my membership don't engage, I can beat back the “retards at the gate!” I also point out I have a financially strong membership, people who don't work at Wendy's or the Dollar Store, or are not involved in hawking unsaleable occult books, that contain falsehoods.

So we are not like you, this not make us better, just we are not like you, we do not even want people who are financially unstable, We require no donations, we do require participation in fundraising and we have many levels set up to provide assistance to people in the name of our Gods and Goddesses.
Again trying to drag us into your world making us seem we are like you, yet we are not. I will not expose people in our membership since we hold our membership private and we do not have a huge contingent of membership. We have enough but never enough online, since we know a very few will make it offline.

Things that make us different and not like you! (this is for those who have tried to make us like everyone else).
  1. We do not direct membership to any one form of magick, we suggest but do not require your magick to be discussed it is your magick and has nothing to do with practicing faith to a deity.
  2. We do not align with political parties since people have different jobs and occupations that could be endangered on either side, its bad enough at times being involved in the Occult let alone the Occult and Politics.
  3. We have many members who hold degrees and accreditation's, not always in the Occult, or Reverends but various fields including Ancient Historical Studies, Near Eastern Studies, and many Archaeological members. So we are not the same!
  4. We do not give out titles, they are earned and by modules we provide, not written by one person or theologian view, its many and we do not force anything on anyone, we are not a cult, and again, we are not like yourselves. (again to those trying to think we are like them).
  5. We do not beg, create donations scams, sell spells, we do however fund raise and give back to the community, I actually one of the board membership have given back thousands to help those who are not seeking affiliations with Christianity or Judaism or Islam to get a hot meal, or a new shirt for a job, I have even handed out as many as five hundred turkeys during the holiday in the name of Satan.
  6. We are not Satanist's, and while many are involved in the path, we are not we are Aasarists and we are our directional movement no Satanist living today can explain or talk about a religion we established, until you have been on our Board, so we are not like most.
  7. We are comprised of Satanist's, but mostly people who are tired of those who keep talking about the Hebrew Satan, we use the word as an identification word for those unfamiliar but we use his original model and this comes from academic sources, so when you think you are like us, we always ask please provide your academic references not Occult referenced materials, but academic studies, we can.
  8. When some group thinks they are like us, I always say we are offline, and have properties, what do you have to show, so no you are not like us. And we would want you to be actually!
  9. If you are referencing ANY author that is in the Occult you are not like us, we use references not aligned in new age teachings of corruption, so again not like us.
  10. Our magicians which we do not talk about from membership are involved many times in witchcraft, or paganism, or the occult, but you cannot speak on these matters unless our board has met you personally and we do not encourage open rituals, as they are private we gather but not public, we meet public and speak to people, but you must be trusted that is why do not grow at a high rate and do not expect to anytime soon.
  11. We maintain social media, but always prefer offline methodology first, so again we are not like you.
  12. We do not pay clergy from collections of funds, and never will until we are completely viable, we are nearing this phase and again we are not like you (again to those talking about us in a wrong way) We are not seeking your approval and never will.
  13. Yes, we will legally pursue people when we feel they are a threat. I will tell you this we may file on those and let them go thru legal hell, and representation of oneself may work in some states but we have won a few cases in some states, not all so again we are not like you!
  14. We provide services to the community being small we are able to devote time to those who are loyal or interested, but we do not give out blank checks, we first offer a hand up. I see more people trying to say we are like them asking for hand outs themselves. Most of our membership is financially sound again, we are not like you (again speaking about people attacking our church).

Thanks again I am sorry, we are not better than you just maybe better inside than you but to think our Church is like anyone else is a stupid mind trick, our membership laugh about every time you others run your mouth, and guess what while small we have membership that has been around since early 1995 which is something most can't say. So when you want to compare us realize you are very wrong indeed.

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