Thursday, September 27, 2018

Teala Curtis Blathers On!

Crybabies are synonymous, for continuing to blather on and on, I am so done with you and our Utah members can now deal with you, they have all the addresses and information they need to one day perhaps cross paths with you. They will not be violent just expose you and perhaps, you can cry and carry on like the little weak minded Mormon dumb witch we all know you are. Now go back to the video games, and anime little lady.
I won't argue magical acumen with a novice, nor am I that interested in as I was not years ago, I have decided to say my last words to you since you are going nowhere and have nothing.
The serpent strikes when those least expect it. I am no coward I am a leader people do things for me for a reason, its called respect, and honor. I am far more offline than you will ever be or hope to be with my actions, and I do not live in fear its called Desert Eagle it is my companion and dispels fear from my life.
I am not interested in stalking you like you are stalking me. You just are obsessed and maybe its a trait from your mentally ill Mom inherited, we all have seen people like you come and go and just like of those people, they cried over and over again. No keyboard warrior here!
People like yourself just hate the fact that people like me can expose you for who you truly are.
No games needed!
GM Blackwood

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