Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Friday, June 15, 2018
Having Doubts About Satan ?
Doubting Satan or Ningishzida
Ancient Church of God Founders of Theistic Satanism
Insecurities about your faith? This person wrote us and I wanted to share some of this! “I feel as if I need something more tangible, something I can see, touch and understand. And I don't know anyone who has had these same feelings. How can I get rid of these doubts?”
You are definitely not alone. Maybe you're just more open and honest about your feelings than a lot of people you know. In fact, I would say that most Ningishzida or Satan followers have at one time or another struggled with doubts. I know sincere Theistic Satanists who have been believers for years and still struggle, some even every day!
Doubting your faith is not necessarily a bad thing, either. In fact, it can lead to spiritual growth and maturity. It can be a time when you move from your family's faith to actually own your beliefs in a deep and real way.
So don't be too hard on yourself for having doubts. Still, I would encourage you to try to figure out where your doubts are coming from. As I understand it, there are usually two basic reasons people doubt:
- Intellectual questions. In this case, people's doubts come from questions about what's true and what's logical. People who have intellectual doubts often have questions like these:"Why should I believe the Ancient Church of God words is inspired by the God?" "How is Theistic Satanism different from any other religions?" "Why isn't evolution true?"
When I was younger, I had a difficult time understanding the concept of Ningishzida's resurrection.
I took time to read, study and listen to experts on the topic. Today, I believe there are intellectual, historical and scientific reasons to believe that Ningishzida or Satan really did rise from the dead. The hours I spent studying and researching were well worth my time.
If you have intellectual doubts, I encourage you to search for answers. A great place to start would be Samuel Noah Kramer's The Sumerians. Followed by our PDF Who is Ningishzida by Tom Erik Raspotnik. Or the many PDF offerings of the Ancient Church of God.
2)Emotional questions. These questions often come from hurt or grief. The emotional doubter may actually ask questions that are similar to those asked by the intellectual doubter: "Why does Ningishzida or Satan allow suffering?" "How could a loving God send someone to the Kur for not being a Theistic Satanist."
"Why are people born with disabilities?" The difference is that emotional doubters are not easily satisfied with intellectual answers. Why? Because their problem is not intellectual. It's usually about their wounded feelings.
Emotional doubters don't need "answers" as much as they need God's love and comfort. They often need a shoulder to cry on and someone to listen to them.
If you are doubting because of hurt in your life, I'd encourage you to find a mature, caring Theistic Satanist who is a good listener.
In fact, I'd encourage you to look for someone who can help you during this time of doubting—whatever the cause of your doubts may be. Is there a mature Theistic Satanist in your life you can confide in?
This would be the type of person who would take your questions seriously, and who wouldn't belittle you or scold you because you're questioning your faith. Again, I stress mature.
Confide in those who provide truth avoid those who are not able to manifest greatness in their own lives, and lean on positive people of Theistic Satanism!
Simple Meditation For Ningishzida
Meditation was practiced by our ancestors and was often talked about in Sumerian texts, but the methodology is often not talked about. Meditation is one of those things that we all want to do, but for a lot of us, the chatter of our busy minds can make sitting down to meditate an exercise in frustration rather than relaxation. Here are 5 awesome meditation techniques we’ve compiled overall that can help you get started:
Meditation Technique #1: Breathing Meditation
This is one of the best meditation techniques, Ancient, powerful and effective, by simply watching your breath, you give your mind something to focus on in a relaxed way.
Get yourself in a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin to observe the sensations of breathing. Pay attention to how it feels as you draw air in through your nose, down into your lungs and back out again through your mouth. You don’t need to control or force your breathing in any way. Just watch. If your mind wanders — and it will — don’t worry or criticize yourself, this is normal in the beginning. Gently bring your attention back to your breathing and continue.
Meditation Technique #2: Mindfulness Meditation
This type of meditation allows you to be fully present in the moment by bringing your attention to the sensations within your body. Start by focusing on your breath then allow yourself to become aware of other sensations — how you’re sitting, where you feel tension or tingling or ease. The goal here is to become a neutral observer. Try not to analyze or judge anything you experience or any thought that passes through your mind. Simply observe.
Meditation Technique #3: Mantra “stylized” Meditation
The ancient Sanskrit word, “aum” is a mystical syllable often used in chants or as a meditative mantra. By repeating a sacred word or meaningful phrase (including short affirmations) you can bring your mind to a state of focused tranquility. You can say the mantra aloud or repeat it silently. You can also supplement Sumerian or Babylonian chants single words like EBUUUUUUUU (long version).
Meditation Technique #4: Walking Meditation
If sitting still for too long makes you squirm, try the walking meditation technique. You can do this just about anywhere, although a garden or other pleasing environment is ideal. Simply focus on your body as it moves: your arms as they swing, your legs as they lift and extend, your feet as they rise and touch the ground. As with all meditation techniques, when you find your mind wandering, gently bring your attention back to the movement. Try not to judge, just observe the sensation of walking.
Meditation Technique #5: Empty Mind Meditation
This meditation technique allows you to be aware without any specific focus. Simply sit quietly with your eyes closed and allow thoughts to float freely in and out of your mind. As they come and go, observe them without judgment or attachment.
These meditation techniques are simple enough to start your meditation practice or enhance your existing one. We’d love to know what other meditation techniques you use at home or in your classes, so comment below! I have often sat back and thought about white walls, white carpet and a bright white lamp. It is hard to process this but effective to clear your mind.
So take on the day, Celebrating with Ningishzida or Satan afterward, in the commune or in brief rituals always will strengthen your faith!
Satan IS Lucifer But ONLY on Social Media!
Foolhardy in Satanism
Ancient Church of God
Every day on Social Media, this topic comes up, and time and time again I see people who can't seem to read historical studies enough to provide this answer, and the minute you correct them they circle you and explain things its all based on one's perception, this is as far from the truth as you can ever be!
Who is Satan or is he Lucifer?
Well, I am embarrassed to see people calling themselves Theistic Satanist's answer this question as the same person, and Satan would be embarrassed as you call him a “Fallen Angel!” or a Christian Leader!
Please, people there are multiple resources out there to explore the differences. I sometimes think these people are trying to scam people, or they are the people that just like things and never read them fully, or they are “high school” dropouts! I am glad I have surrounded myself with people who know Lucifer was created by Christianity and Satan was rooted in Hebrew Lore, and Lucifer never appears in any book written by the Hebrews.
I repeat no Hebrew explains Lucifer, and you can dust off all the books that are written by self-publishers you want and they are wrong! Calling Satan, Lucifer is like calling Leviathan a female who had sex with Satan!
People are not devoted enough to the path, and worse yet they are teaching new people, their ignorant information. I am beginning to think its a shame it is not thousands of years ago so we could just plain march all these Lucifer Lovers to a cliff, and shove them off! And this playground mentality displayed when you correct them is nothing short of self-victimization!
I can say these people are taught incorrectly, and yes you can change to make it better, without “safe spaces!” YOU CAN READ! But select the historical authors instead of the New Age Authors, who seem to want to write and dream of Bentley's and Red Carpet, neither will they ever see!
I managed to gather over twenty titles and am going to have my own “Book Burning!”
I am going to disgrace Lucifer in the Name of Satan! Why because I can and I am going to keep buying books about Lucifer burning them in disrespect, not to the fictitious Lucifer and I mean fictitious God, so many like to keep bringing up like some Reddit Troll gone crazy!
I guess I should also expect, that some people can't let go of the Christianity, and can't seem to read, or perhaps they are just plain low I.Q.?
Again nowhere in Hebrew Ancient Literature does Lucifer connect to Satan!
They are so separate God actually speaks to Satan in Hebrew Literature, he never speaks to Satan whatsoever, so what makes you think they are friends, I have even seen literature which reeks of pornography speak of Satan and Lucifer having a good old “gang-bang!”
The ignorance is oozing off these people who are telling people they are the same, and I would as a prospective member of any group or organization question, why is the leader of the group even selling this, unless its to bring in membership to scam them, or sell them more false books!
Every so often groups form in unification processes that fail rather quickly embracing Satan and the Lucifer as the same and to be honest they are nothing more than an effort to gather people who are ill-educated since all people who have any formalized education on the Occult or Satanism, know this simple fact that Lucifer was a Christian Construct and Satan was Hebrew, I also marvel at the people who attempt to explain their way out of this.
Exposing foolishness makes people very angry and once exposed it seems they are far to embarrassed to admit they are wrong and make a statement to their membership, of such a mistake! We currently see this where one person has created a church that claims Tiamat is Satan, and historical data proves them very wrong, and they continue to “spin” over and over because they said Satan is a Female! We know simply by researched historical data, that Tiamat was female and had zero to do with anything Satan even this goes as far, as acceptance of Tiamat as a Goddess would also accept the stories of her, and she was killed by Marduk the Son of Enki, and I did not make this up, for those laughing reading this.
Someone again was educated wrong, the same people who are teaching people wrong are ganging up on those of us, who researched and who read historical data, including many texts easily researched by looking up them on Wikipedia, or using a University Database.
And do not tell them they are wrong, acting like a fourth grader, they “spin” and attack those people who are trying to help them! This is because you are changing peoples minds in the Cult Group they are forming or have formed!
I also have seen these same people make grandiose claims where they operate offline talking about the falsehoods, they write on Social Media when in truth none of them have churches beyond some tiny and dank apartments somewhere in rural America. These people will fight the hardest, since they cannot meet people, and discuss the truths and the academics are out their league to even talk too.
Satan is not Lucifer!
I would love to debate this with anyone!
Tom Erik Raspotnik
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
The Worst Book Ever Written in the Occult
By Tom Erik Raspotnik
Occult Literature has reached it all-time low, with this being written down by a mentally ill Satanist who dares call himself leadership material. This same individual has stalked almost every group, church or organization on the internet, pleading for someone to listen to him.
In his own words in his first book:
All child molesters should be forced to have sex with farm animals, and have fruits and vegetables inserted into their anus, and be forced to eat from one another prisoners ass, after several days of bizarre torture they are to be impaled by a giant penis statue! It sounds like a fantasy of sick and deranged individual.
Also, this same self-proclaimed leader is quoted he has a desire to destroy churches, by political means, since when does that mix! When a madman becomes delusional. And remember all of this came from Satan direct by a vision to this psychopath.
This same author claims to lucid dream, and recommends burning the scent of Opium and remains awake, yet he has had sex with demon creatures in his dreams, both male and female.
Many of his prophecies which wrote in his small self-published book are read like a Charlie Manson manuscript and will make the reader wonder if a suicide countdown is near.
Sex in dreams with demonic creatures is often a symptom of serious mental duress. He goes on to tell us the Antichrist has risen (a Christian and Muslim Concept) and appears on paper. All people who are wealthy will be destroyed by Satan according to this Disability Recipient will all perish.
He carries on about black painted walls, yet in numerous photos of his ghetto apartment shows no black walls or anything but sixties decor. Blue flames jumping out, Roman Gladiators showing up, along with Red Sonja showing up and giving him a black book of Satan. This get better and better making this a cold hard science fiction novel indeed.
Urination and burnt Bibles and the author claims to possess a secret Black Book Red Sonja gave him, and he goes from HE to SHE with Tiamat claiming a female Dragon is Satan, yet in his book he exclaims he is a male.
Then he rambles on changing Satan and proudly hailing the Christianity made Lucifer claiming all Satanist's need to worship Lucifer and then without warning he says Satan creates Leviathan and calls HE a SHE, obviously an identity problem and then goes on that Leviathan who he claims is a female has sex with Satan. Satan has sex and waits a few weeks and on the six hundredth day of the sixth month, on the sixth day he loses days, and calendar days I suspect this is from his record of being a High School “drop out!”
He also goes onto explain Satan LAYS OVER THE GREAT MOUNTAIN CALLED Iraq! Guess he failed geography class, and geology both. Then he describes Satan having a giant penis! And the FEMALE in his story which is actually a MALE Leviathan is gang banged by Satan and Lucifer going on to create a mad sex story nothing short of coming from a deranged person.
Leviathan a MALE gives birth to Lilith and Adam and they were twins, and the two twins have an incest affair, which includes the touching and feeling where he goes on to explain where the hot juice comes out and explains Lilith fondles Adam jerking him off in her face, or breasts like an XXX movie.
This chapter alone is so detailed you could buy his book for the porn references if you were as mad at him.
He goes on to explain how Adam slams Lilith as Adam was birthed with pornography skills. No apples, or even pomegranates? Satan then came them and told them they were not prepared to raise a child, so Satan before she could have her child, he whisked it off to Hell (remember that imaginary place designed by Christianity) this yes is from a self-proclaimed Leader of Theistic Satanist.
While the baby was off being raised by Satan, Adam finds Eve which he describes like Dolly Parton.
Again fingering, and pornography moves he ties Eve up with vines and went on licking her ass, yet the writer continues to describe anal, not vaginal! Soap Opera?
What happened with Leviathan? Who knows its pages and pages of sexual fantasy making this writer works even more fantasy and science fiction. His fantasy goes on for paragraph after paragraph about fruit fantasies and ejaculation tasting.
In his story, Lilith encounters Eve and smells Adams ejaculation on Lilith and then a lesbian story erupts out of the entire mess. It is crazy beyond imagination.
What was Satan up to? Taking Classes in Hell about raising a Baby which was from a Man Leviathan.
2026 years ago, in small Middle Eastern Town lived a whore named Mary, he goes on. She is the local prostitute who seems to have eyes from women. He goes on to portray his fantasy of bestiality as he describes, goat and horse sex. And how this town mixed with the animals. Blood and ejaculation and raw vaginas bleeding all come into the next paragraphs.
Mary MISSPELLED MARRY is hanging out with Joseph in this badly written chapter which is challenging to read at best. Jesus is described as he moves to Iraq, to hang out with his friends.
Ages and places are all astray and then out of nowhere his book moves to himself and describes after this brief misguided Christian based lesson his thoughts of Satan and Lilith being married.
He then goes on to explain the basic methodology, including Lucifer all the while explaining he is a Theistic Satanist. Again it becomes barely readable, and because he has such a limited knowledge of magic, he rambles on with Leviathan being a Crown Ruler of Hell an equal to Satan. Which to a Jew may be something informational but again Leviathan is a woman in the book, not a man as described.
The book ends with pacts and simplistic left-hand path mutterings which include selling your soul by contract, and this is something he never used since he still remains on Social Security Disability.
This book has absolutely ZERO to do with Theistic Satanism!
Are you done laughing yet?
Church of FEMALE LEVIATHAN is enough for Jew's everywhere to laugh!
Lucifer and Satan gangbanging her is even worse and then Lillith too!
Crazy people in the Self Publishing World!
Theistic Satanism Using the Wrong Symbols? Not Most of Us!
The Leviathan Cross is sometimes referred to the cross of Satan, which means the "Satans Cross". Depicted on the bottom is an infinity sign (∞), and above is a double cross (‡). The Double cross symbolizes protection and balance between persons. The infinity sign underlines the constant and infinite nature and most likely symbolizes the eternal universe, this may have been used by Anton LaVey in The Satanic Bible to as a mockery of the cross, to show that humans are their own centrum of balance, and truth. This is what the ideology of Anton LaVey and the followers of the Church of Satan believe, and this is what this symbol represents in this association.
So I am not sure, why a Theistic Satanist would use a Church of Satan Symbol in representative symbology of Theistic Satanism?
So I am not sure, why a Theistic Satanist would use a Church of Satan Symbol in representative symbology of Theistic Satanism?
An upside-down crucifix is also a symbol embraced by Satanists. That confuses some people as it is seen as the Petrine Cross or "The Cross of St. Peter" since, according to Origin of Alexandria, Simon Peter was crucified upside down. However, turning a symbol like a cross upside-down is symbolic on it's own and the interpretation of doing so differs among Catholics and Satanists.
In Alchemy, the Leviathan's cross is a symbol for sulfur, which is one of the three essential elements of nature.
In Asia, its name is the Brimstone Symbol.
The association with the Leviathan makes it a symbol of depth and surfacing. The multiple crossroads of two crosses can be interpreted as a sign of free choice, it can also be seen as a strike-through "equal to" (=) to show that every person has their own life.
Sulfur (“Leviathan Cross”) A symbol for the alchemical element Sulfur, (Brimstone) which is spiritually analogous to the human soul. Alchemically, sulfur has the qualities of masculine, hot and dry. Combined with Mercury (feminine, cool and moist), the pair were considered the parents of all metals.
Alchemical drawings often portray Sulfur as the sun. (In some views, sulfur and salt are the parents of Mercury) The symbol of sulfur is often used as an identifying symbol by Satanists, due to sulfur’s historical association with the devil.
This glyph is often referred to incorrectly as the “pontifical cross of Satan” by Christian tract writers, due to its adoption as an emblem of Satanism by Anton LaVey in the 1960s. The emblem has no history as a symbol of Satanism outside of LaVey’s usage, and the attribution is most likely a product of anti-Catholic sentiment, as it is often compared in this context to the Catholic Pontifical Cross. A more common symbol for sulfur is a fire triangle surmounting a cross of earth.
Who is Tiamat? Theistic Satanism Examines This Character from Babylon
Ancient Church of God
Founders of Theistic Satanism
Who is Tiamat?
Tiamat (goddess)
Tiamat is a personification of the primordial sea from which the gods were first created. She is also the main adversary of Marduk in the Enūma Eliš TT .
Tiamat's exact functions as a goddess are difficult to establish. As her name indicates (see below), she was a deification of the primordial sea. Our best source of information for Tiamat is the myth Enūma Eliš TT , and in fact, there are only a handful of references to her outside of it. Enūma Eliš TT begins with a description of the two primeval seas, the salt sea Tiamat and the sweet sea Abzu TT , mingling their waters together to create the gods (for recent translations of the story see Foster 2005: 436-486 and Lambert 2013). In the following battle between Abzu TT and Ea, Tiamat attempts to appease Abzu TT and stop the conflict. But when she is later pressured by the lower gods to revenge him, she herself becomes the main antagonist of the story, creating an army of monsters led by her new consort, Qingu. She is ultimately defeated by Marduk, who incapacitates her with his "Evil Wind" and then kills her with an arrow. Marduk splits her in two, creating heaven and earth from her body, the Tigris and Euphrates from her eyes, mist from her spittle, mountains from her breasts and so on. Throughout the epic, there are different descriptions of Tiamat: she appears both as a body of water, as a human figure, and as having a tail (Tablet V, line 59). These varying descriptions are ultimately reconciled as Marduk turns her limbs into geographical features.
Divine Genealogy and Syncretisms
In Enūma Eliš TT , Tiamat is the mother of all the gods (Tablet I, line 4). Together with Abzu TT she creates Lahmu and Lahamu, who in turn beget Anšar and Kišar.
Though one cannot point to a syncretism as such, there are several models for Tiamat in the earlier mythology. Katz (2011: 18f) argues that the figure of Tiamat unites two strands of tradition attached to the sea. The first is the motherly figure of Namma, who is also referred to as a primeval ocean from which the gods were created. The other is the figure of the sea as a monstrous adversary, like the Levantine god Yamm (see also Jacobsen 1968: 107). Another important influence for the figure of Tiamat is Anzu, a mythical bird defeated by Ninurta, indeed the battle between Marduk and Tiamat has a number of parallels to the battle between Ninurta and Anzu (Lambert 1986).
Cult Place(s)
There was no cult dedicated directly to Tiamat, but the battle between Tiamat and Marduk played an important role in the New Year's festival TT in Babylon. The Enūma Eliš TT was recited on its fourth day, and some argue that the festival included a symbolic reenactment of the mythological battle (see the discussion in Lambert 2013: 461f).
Time Periods Attested
The oldest attestation of Tiamat is an Old Akkadian incantation (Westenholz 1974: 102), though there are few other references to her until the first millenium BCE (see Lambert 2013: 237). After the composition of the Enūma Eliš TT , Tiamat is found in a number of theological commentary works, but most of these seem to rely on the epic (e.g. SAA 3.39, r. 1-3). Tiamat is also mentioned by Berossus, writing in the 3rd century BCE (Breucker 2011: 648f).
A relief from the temple of Bêl in Palmyra depicts Nabu and Marduk slaying Tiamat, who is shown with a woman's body and legs made of snakes (Dirven 1997). However, this scene is a late Hellenistic adoption of the Babylonian motif, and no Mesopotamian image has been positively identified as a representation of Tiamat. A string of identifications (Yadin 1971, Grafman 1972, Kaplan_1976) have recently been rejected (George_2012), and until new evidence surfaces they remain dubious.
Name and Spellings
The name Tiamat is the uncontracted form of the word tâmtu, meaning "sea". The long vowel â is contracted from the short vowels i and a. The word is in the "absolute state," a noun form that is equivalent to the vocative (a grammatical case which directly invokes or addresses a person or deity; literally the name means "O, sea!").
Written forms: dti-amat, ti-amat, dtam-tum, ti-àm-tim, ta-à-wa-ti
Normalised forms: Tiamat, Tiāmat, Tiʼamat, Thalatta (Greek).
Tiamat in Online Corpora
Further Reading
Thanks to UPenn. Sumerology Department
Irrelevant to Theistic Satanism
Tiamat the Dead God in Theistic Satanism
It has been said when you have an enemy tell them the stories that mislead them like the stories once told to the apartment dweller, (name withheld) and his apartment church in Massachusetts. But first it was Levithan, now they call Satan a Woman like Tiamat!
In the past, he has "came back" with lies and deceit, even claiming that the Ancient Church of God was in a trailer, one of our founding board members, does rent a double wide, and it resides in a luxurious park in a better part of Michigan, but they are not alone in the Ancient Church of God, three members own their own homes which exceed three hundred thousand and three other board members rent either a townhouse or condominium or a double-wide in a trailer park and any of these choices are still better than an upstairs cramped apartment in a small town.
I watched him flail around and around in his attempt to tell people Satan is a Female Dragon, and then he changed it back to Leviathan and then to Tiamat. Again how did Satan become a Female?
So I did some more digging in this. Just to show the public how wrong the SELF PROCLAIMED (a Christian Term) Pope of Theistic Satanism is and of course, his title alone would make you run away, let alone remember he is a Doctor and a Reverend and the Leader of Theistic Satanism, and on Disability, and never owned a car or home, and yet he spent thousands according to him on his church when he gets under a thousand disability and probably gets food stamps. All Board Members of the Ancient Church of God are employed in some form, not receiving Social Security Disability.
Oh, did we forget to mention his disability is from mental illness, while anyone can own a church, his tactic has been of late to copy everything the Ancient Church of God does, and dispute it despite our quality of membership, which includes several people employed in the field of Sumerian Research.
And did we mention, he wrote a couple self-published books, which more and likely sold less than fifty copies overall, reading both in raw forms from his former co-founder they exhibit nothing more than rituals to jerk off in a bathtub and some horrible spelling errors making them barely readable.
We still give him a C minus for effort, and for a vision to write something despite comedic in nature, and error-filled history, that he keeps explaining in vain over and over again to his ring of uneducated who follow this "high school drop out" around oh did we tell you he has over twenty screennames to like his own stuff.
But back to Tiamat, she is dead, as this person wants to use this name to found a church dedicated in Theistic Satanism, and I mean loosely he is free too, but to pick a female, and then she was killed in what should sound the alarms to most in Satanism.
When will these people who never study finally get those facts straight Satanism has nothing to do with jerking off in the tub and burning some candles and calling males females!
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Not just Theistic Satanists worship Serpent Gods and Beings!
Ophites of Paganism
Ophianoi, from ὄφις ophis "snake") were members of a Christian Gnostic sect depicted by Hippolytus of Rome(170–235) in a lost work, the Syntagma ("arrangement").
It is now thought that later accounts of these "Ophites" by Pseudo-Tertullian, Philastrius and Epiphanius of Salamis are all dependent on the lost Syntagma of Hippolytus. It is possible that rather than an actual sectarian name Hippolytus may have invented "Ophite" as a generic term for what he considered heretical speculations concerning the serpent of Genesis or Moses.[1]
Apart from the sources directly dependent on Hippolytus (Pseudo-Tertullian, Philastrius and Epiphanius), Origen and Clement of Alexandria also mention the group. The group is mentioned by Irenaeus in Against Heresies (1:30)
There are more than Theistic Satanists that believe in Serpents and Dragons of Garden of Edin.
Gnostic Texts explains allot of this practice.
Ancient Snake Worship of the Hebrews
Moses lifts up the brass snake, curing the Israelites of snakebites. Hezekiah called the snake 'Nehushtan'.
In the biblical Book of Numbers, the Nehushtan (or Nohestan) (Hebrew: נחושתן or נחש הנחושת) was a bronze serpent on a pole which God told Moses to erect to protect the Israelites who saw it from dying from the bites [1] of the "fiery serpents" which God had sent to punish them for speaking against God and Moses.
King Hezekiah later instituted a religious iconoclastic reform and destroyed "the brazen serpent that Moses had made; for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it; [it was called|and he called it] Nehushtan".
Sea Monster Theistic Satanism?
The Ancient Dragon of Babylonia©
Ancient Church of God
Founders of Theistic Satanism 2018
Digital Filed Copyright 2018
Sourced via
Special Thanks to the University of Pennsylvania.
Tiamat is a personification of the primordial sea from which the gods were first created. She is also the main adversary of Marduk in the Enūma Eliš
To examine this fully, we will lean on several experts in the Sumerian Field as in Robert Wynter U of Pennsylvania who holds both a Masters in Philology and a Masters in Archeology. (pen name used).
Aside from our Sanga Board Member Tom Erik Raspotnik who holds a Masters of Near Eastern Theology from Michigan State University. Dr. Allen Blackmon of the University of South Africa Near Eastern Studies (retired).
Written forms: dti-amat, ti-amat, dtam-tum, ti-àm-tim, ta-à-wa-ti
Normalised forms: Tiamat, Tiāmat, Tiʼamat, Thalatta (Greek).
I was once confused by the belief in the Dragon named Tiamat, and simple examination of the facts provided a important reveal and her important role but not a role which could be included in a curriculum which could or would include Satan or Theistic Satanism. In formulating a religion around this character in Babylon would produce the religion creating a “Cult Church” and not a credible religion tied to Theistic Satanism but more a Sumerian Religion.
Name and Spellings
The name Tiamat is un-contracted form of the word tâmtu, meaning "sea". The long vowel â is contracted from the short vowels I and a.
The word is in the "absolute state," a noun form that is equivalent to the vocative (a grammatical case which directly invokes or addresses a person or deity; literally the name means "O, sea!").
Tiamat's exact functions as a goddess are difficult to establish.
As her name indicates (see below), she was a deification of the primordial sea. Our best source of information for Tiamat is the myth Enūma Eliš TT , and in fact, there are only a handful of references to her outside of it. Making her name suspect as to only part of Babylonian Teachings.
Enūma Eliš TT begins with a description of the two primeval seas, the salt sea Tiamat and the sweet sea Abzu TT , mingling their waters together to create the gods (for recent translations of the story see Foster 2005: 436-486 and Lambert 2013).
In the following battle between Abzu TT and Ea, Tiamat attempts to appease Abzu TT and stop the conflict.
But when she is later pressured by the lower gods to revenge him, she herself becomes the main antagonist of the story, creating an army of monsters led by her new consort, Qingu. She is ultimately defeated by Marduk, who incapacitates her with his "Evil Wind" and then kills her with an arrow. Marduk splits her in two, creating heaven and earth from her body, the Tigris and Euphrates from her eyes, mist from her spittle, mountains from her breasts and so on. While an interesting story indeed, this story is not much older than Early Akad where a distinct other story comes into play with Marduk the Son of Enki not playing a part in human creation.
An interesting story indeed and historically relevant it does not supersede a system of origins and beliefs, there are people out there in the Occult who often try to frame this story as being of Leviathan which is also a separate Hebrew construct. But in today's world people even worship a God called the Flying Spaghetti Monster in jest so I am sure people can call Satan whatever despite being highly inaccurate in historical references.
Throughout the epic, there are differing descriptions of Tiamat: she appears both as a body of water, as a human figure, and as having a tail (Tablet V, line 59). These varying descriptions are ultimately reconciled as Marduk turns her limbs into geographical features.
A great version of a creation tale, however it is preceded by an more accurate tale from thousands of years prior during the Ubaid Period.
Divine Genealogy and Syncretisms
In Enūma Eliš TT , Tiamat is the mother of all the gods (Tablet I, line 4). Together with Abzu TT she creates Lahmu and Lahamu, who in turn beget Anšar and Kišar. While acknowledged as a Creator God, there are stories which predate this connection.
Though one cannot point to a syncretism as such, there are several models for Tiamat in the earlier mythology.
Katz (2011: 18f) argues that the figure of Tiamat unites two strands of tradition attached to the sea. The first is the motherly figure of Namma, who is also referred to as a primeval ocean from which the gods were created.
There was no cult or even temple complex or religion dedicated directly to Tiamat, but the battle between Tiamat and Marduk played an important role in the New Year's festival TT in Babylon. The Enūma Eliš TT was recited on its fourth day, and some argue that the festival included a symbolic reenactment of the mythological battle (see the discussion in Lambert 2013: 461f).
The oldest attestation of Tiamat is an Old Akkadian incantation (Westenholz 1974: 102), though there are few other references to her until the first millenium BCE (see Lambert 2013: 237). After the composition of the Enūma Eliš TT , Tiamat is found in a number of theological commentary works, but the largest body of evidence of these seem to rely on the epic (e.g. SAA 3.39, r. 1-3). Tiamat is also mentioned by Berossus, writing in the 3rd century BCE (Breucker 2011: 648f). But no Sumerian text origins exist.
The other is the figure of the sea as a monstrous adversary, like the Levantine god Yamm (see also Jacobsen 1968: 107). Another important influence for the figure of Tiamat is Anzu, a mythical bird defeated by Ninurta, indeed the battle between Marduk and Tiamat has a number of parallels to the battle between Ninurta and Anzu (Lambert 1986).
Going backwards to Levantine or Leviathan again is suspect directional as one is a male, and Tiamat is distinctly a female, did some God perform a sex change? We know Sumerian as a language has both male and female dialects that rise from the different dialects at the time period. But lets examine Levantine from the Jewish Dictionary references.
a person who lives in or comes from the Levant, making this a suspect connection, so lets try the Jewish Dictionary for Leviathan.
Names of gigantic beasts or monsters described in Job xl. The former is from a root denoting "coil," "twist"; the latter is the plural form of "behemah"="beast."
Ever since Bochart ("Hierozoicon," iii. 705), "behemoth" has been taken to denote the hippopotamus; and Jablonski, to make it correspond exactly with that animal, compared an Egyptian form, "p-ehe-mu" (= "water-ox"), which, however, does not exist. The Biblical description contains mythical elements, and the conclusion is justified that these monsters were not real, though the hippopotamus may have furnished in the main the data for the description.
Only of a unique being, and not of a common hippopotamus, could the words of Job xl. 19 have been used: "He is the first [A. V. "chief"] of the ways of God [comp. Prov. viii. 22]; he that made him maketh sport with him" (as the Septuagint reads, πεποιημένον ἐγκαταπαιζέσΘαι; A. V. "He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him"; comp. Ps. civ. 26); or "The mountains bring him forth food; where all the beasts of the field do play" (Job xl. 20).
Obviously behemoth is represented as the primeval beast, the king of all the animals of the dry land, while leviathan is the king of all those of the water, both alike unconquerable by man (ib. xl. 14, xli. 17-26). Gunkel ("Schöpfung und Chaos," p. 62) suggests that behemoth and leviathan were the two primeval monsters corresponding to Tiamat (= "the abyss"; comp. Hebr. "tehom") and Kingu (= Aramaic "'akna" = serpent") of Babylonian mythology. Some commentators find also in Isa. xxx. 6 ("bahamot negeb" = "beasts of the south") a reference to the hippopotamus; others again, in Ps. lxxiii. 22 ("I am as behemoth [="beasts"; A. V. "a beast"] before thee"); but neither interpretation has a substantial foundation.
It is likely that the leviathan and the behemoth were originally referred to in Hab. ii. 15: "the destruction of the behemoth [A. V. "beasts"] shall make them afraid" (comp. LXX., "thee" instead of "them").
These haggadot concerning the leviathan are interpreted as allegories by all the commentators with the exception of some ultraconservatives like Baḥya ben Asher ("Shulḥan Arba'," ch. iv., p. 9, col. 3).
According to Maimonides, the banquet is an allusion to the spiritual enjoyment of the intellect (commentary on Sanh. i.).
The name, he says, is derived from
(" to join," "to unite"), and designates an imaginary monster in which are combined the most various animals ("Moreh," iii., ch. xxiii.). In the cabalistic literature the "piercing leviathan" and the "crooked leviathan" (Isa. xxvii. 1), upon which the haggadah concerning the hunting of the animal is based, are interpreted as referring to Satan-Samael and his spouse Lilith ("'Emeḳ ha-Melek," p. 130a), while Ḳimḥi, Abravanel, and others consider the expressions to be allusions to the destruction of the powers which are hostile to the Jews (comp. Manasseh ben Israel, "Nishmat Ḥayyim," p. 48; see also Kohut, "Aruch Completum," s. v. "Leviathan," for other references, and his essay in "Z. D. M. G." vol. xxi., p. 590, for the parallels in Persian literature).

The haggadic sayings obtained a hold on the imagination of the poets, who introduced allusions to the banquet of the leviathan into the liturgy. However the connection in this lore is suspect, as it is developed with wrong characters, as the Serpent of the Garden of Edin (Eden) was not married to a Lillitu, and Lillith appearing as a different characterization which is shown in earlier works. Also in finality Satan is male, as is Leviathan-and-behemoth, so taking this character and changes sex would be a miracle indeed.
In some forms being pushed forward in Theistic Satanism, it would make a person wonder how a he becomes a she and both being of the ocean or sea, there is no previous connection. Is Leviathan then Tiamat, not at all its a corruption, that the early Hebrews pushed forth of the Leviathan and later connected it to Tiamat via Babylonian Lore to make the God seem more connected however, why would someone if the Hebrews.
The commentaries of Dillmann, Delitzsch, and others on Job;
- Gunkel, Schöpfung und Chaos, Göttingen, 1895;
- Eisenmenger, Entdecktes Judenthum, ii. 296 et seq., 873 et seq.;
- Weber, System der Altsynagogalen Theologie, 1880, p. 195;
- Hastings, Dict. Bible;
- Cheyne and Black, Encyc. Bibl.
Finally, the Serpent of the Garden and Tiamat while UFO and Conspiracy Theorists tend to put them together, it is not historically accurate, nor is Tiamat Satan, she does not transform into a male at the convenience of the writer providing this information or the corruption. The wife of the Garden Serpent is availed her to clear this misconception of information.
His wife is Azimua[4] and also Geshtinanna,[5] while his sister is Amashilama, end of story to the Conspiracy Theorists. Source Oxford Corpus of Sumerian Theological Studies. So again tying Tiamat and Ningishzida together in nothing more than folklore.
Ancient Hebrews did not all read the Kabbalah and even today few Jew delve in magical lore, and while certain sects dispute Satan he is certainly not a she. And Satan is certainly not a Hippopotamus! Thanks again. Relating Hippopotamus creatures to Theistic Satanism is strange and could be something that is reminiscent of a Hippopotamus Cult. Who is Satan is is something we explore in other teachings all based on sourcing from academia.
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